A New "We the People"
By Grace Lee Boggs
Michigan Citizen, Feb. 23-March 1, 2003
In years to come, I believe that Saturday, February 15, 2003 will  be recognized as the day when tens of millions the world over not only said "NO TO WAR" in Iraq but "YES" to the new and better world  that is  possible and necessary as we enter the Third Millennium.

In scores of countries on every continent, in more than 350 cities, from Los Angeles and Detroit to Johannesburg, Buenos Aires and  Mexico City, from London, Rome, Berlin and Brussels to Bangkok , Kuala Lumpur and Istanbul, from the Fiji Islands  to Antarctica, countless numbers gathered not only to protest Bush & Company’s rush to war but to begin creating the fundamental  principles of a new  global   democracy:

From now on, whatever Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney & Co. do, this new "we the people" movement will continue to expand both in numbers and in political consciousness.  The more blindly they pursue their unconscionable goals, the more they are digging their own graves.

Some  noteworthy features of today’s anti-war movement:

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