(tune; Bush Barrel Polka)

Follow the money
To see why this war was long planned.
Follow the money,
And then we will all understand.
Follow the money,
It leads to the White House front door!
They've gone and bombed the Iraqis
So Halliburton can get more.

George Bush and Cheney,
People we choose to oppose.
They lie to the people
While the list of our dead grows and grows!
Big money interests
Dictate our government's plan.
It's time now to take back our country
Lets kick Bush out on his can.

You can see the truth, isn't it so?
They're not hiding much,
Their greed still shows,
No matter what the PR says,
Dollar signs blaze in blood red

Pfizer and WalMart,
Bechtel and Citigroup too,
Reap all the profits
And don't give a fig about you!
We've got to stop them
And all those who profit from war.
Yes, we will follow the money!
Let's buy peace instead of war!

by Granny Vicki Lewin Ryder
Rochester, NY Raging Grannies

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