Granny Vicki Ryder's songs for the Washington, DC Counter-Inaugural Events

(Tune: "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall")

Another four years of Georgie's lies?
It makes us raging mad!
This Inaugural parade is just a charade --
We know that we've been had!

He sends our kids to die in war ­
But what has he achieved?
He says he's fighting terrorists
But we won't be deceived!

Another four years of Georgie's lies?
It makes us want to scream!
We've already seen what he can do
To kill the American dream.

More of us are out of work
And more of us are poor.
With no Head Start and no health care,
We're tired of this manure!

Another four years of Georgie's lies?
He must think we're daft!
He's killing social security ­
And giving us all the shaft!

He's taking away our liberties
And trashing the Bill of Rights,
And spying on our neighbors ­
We think that really bites!

So, we won't take another four years
Of Georgie, the lying hack!
We've come here to DC to say,
"We're taking our country back!"

(Tune: "God Save the Queen")

Let's sing hip hip hooray,
For this is Bush's day!
Strike up the band!
He'll keep us in the war,
And to hell with the poor!
The RICH keep getting more and more.
Now ain't that grand?

They'd keep us out of view
While Georgie passes through,
But WE'RE here to stay!
Blue states will have their say,
Voters will get their way.
WE'RE not going to fade away
No MATTER what they do.

This is inaugural day
When red states shout "hooray!"
It's quite a blast!
They think they're pretty slick
With all their dirty tricks.
But we know that the vote was fixed!
Mandate? My ass!

(Tune: "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean")

George W's been re-elected!
Hey! That's what my newspaper says.
But we know he stole the election!
The wrong man's been sworn in as prez!

CHORUS: Bring back, bring back,
Bring back some honest democracy!
We've got to take the White House back
'Cause something stinks here in DC!

There was a Republican president
The people called old Honest Abe.
If he knew who sat in his White House,
He'd be doing flips in his grave.


We're turning our backs on this president
'Cause he doesn't care what we say.
He tramples on our right to protest --
Dissenters just get in his way.


Now George says that he has a mandate,
But we know that's just one more lie!
So let's get him out of our White House!
Bye-bye, lyin' Georgie, bye-bye!

All songs by Granny Vicki Ryder,
Raging Grannies of Rochester, NY

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